Aloha! Today I want to challenge the traditions of what it means to be a successful leader. It’s no secret that we’re living in a VUCA age—volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. With difficult times now and in the future, we need ways to be better than “good”—we need to be effective. We look to the leadership gurus like Simon Sinek, who says to focus on our “why,” Stephen Covey, who says to address our seven “highly effective habits,” and Brené Brown, who asserts that we should “answer our call to courage.”
Whichever of these propositions resonate with you, you’re going to have to sharpen some fundamental meta-skills. Meta-skills are not just soft skills—they are HUMAN POWER skills that enable next-level being. Our meta-skills are not easily acquired in books, they require practice.
As a coach, I love helping leaders stretch their edge in this area!
So what three meta-skills are needed in these VUCA times?
1. Self-awareness. The ability to see one’s patterns, thoughts, and behaviors in an objective way, sits at the core of leadership. It allows you to go below the surface, examine one’s self, make adjustments as warranted, and connect with others.
2. Creativity. I believe the soul of creativity is curiosity. We need to learn to ask more questions. Instead of approaching life with a ‘yes or no’ or ‘right or wrong’ mentality; ask questions like “What else do I need to learn?” Powerful questions met with self-awareness can be the gateway to new and greater possibilities.
3. Resilience. Life is messy and imperfect. Things will not always go as planned…2020 is evidence of that. We need the ability to pick ourselves up and keep moving forward. A great place to start is with self-empathy.
VUCA times require us to unlearn, learn, and relearn many things. Deep from a coach’s heart, I know you’ve got this. We’ve got this!
If you have any questions about meta-skills or how to be a successful leader, reach out to us by phone or email. We would love to help you.