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Q: Are You Living “La Vida Loca”

Writer: Charletta WilsonCharletta Wilson

Are you going stir-crazy trying to master the involuntary meld of school, work, andhome? Well, me too. I’ve been working from home for the past 10 years, but I never imagined that I would also be educating my son at home, at the same time. Today I’m expanding on my somewhat recent revelation: The only way to master “la vida loca” is to become a scientist—an investigator who observes, asksquestions, and conducts experiments. 

Initially, when COVID-19 struck and my life as I knew it flipped upside down, I clung anxiously to rituals. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with rituals; they serve an important purpose. However, in some circumstances, rituals can get you bogged down. To help me explain how I experiment with different setups to make work, school, and home life better in 2020, I’ve enlisted the help of my co-worker, lunch buddy, and walking partner: My son Noah.

1. We anchor. In our house, we do this through our devotion, prayer, andoccasional meditation. This helps us stay grounded so we don’t slip as easilywhen unexpected things get thrown at us. 

2. We sync our calendars. This is important because our day can get prettymessy when we don’t know how many meetings/obligations we have. 

3. We eat a healthy breakfast. Fueling up for the day ahead is a step that can’tbe skipped. Noah’s favorite thing to eat in the morning: waffles withcinnamon! 

4. We get in some physical exercise. We like to go on walks, play 2-square,and dance to music. Though he’ll try to deny it, Noah loves jamming out to‘80s tunes! 

5. We write each other love notes on either Post-its or the mirror. Noahalways leaves thoughtful sticky notes on my iPad. 

6. We aim for eight hugs a day. These are probably my favorite part of theday. Physical touch keeps the body’s “happy” chemicals flowing. 

7. We connect with friends. I always encourage Noah to connect with at leastone of his friends, whether through Zoom or on the phone. We’re all socialcreatures at our core, so keeping our relationships nurtured is superimportant for our overall well-being and survival.

Once you get started with your own experimentation, you’ll find science can beeasy and accessible.

Be observant, though, and continuously assess what’s working and what’s not. Ask a lot of questions of your family members, because everyone’s experience will be different.

Remember: Experiment with options that serve you, not imprison you. Be sure to give yourself a bit of grace, too, because the road ahead may be a long one.

“Experiment with options that serve you, not imprison you.”

As always, please reach out if you have a comment or question around leading and living whole-heartedly. Salamat po!



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