Here are four steps you can take to navigate your changing context.
I’ve received a lot of responses to my recent blog post on “The Great Resignation.” I loved chatting with my clients and realized many of those conversations were heading in a similar direction. Many of you are not only managing around the changes, but you are also feeling the pressure that YOUR context may be changing too.
If you feel stuck or trapped in your circumstances, your context is probably about to change. Most of my clients are senior to mid-career leaders who have worked in their field for a long time. They know what they’re doing, but the nature of business coupled with personal traumas leave folks feeling like they don’t have control over their situations.
“Moments that excite you tell you something about yourself.”
Getting unstuck isn’t as easy as one two three, but I can help you get started with a few simple steps:
1. Reflect on what you value. Learn what matters to you at your core, and write it down.
2. Be honest about what’s changing in your life. Acknowledge the potential grief that may occur due to this change and talk about it to someone who cares about you.
3. Talk to your coach about three things that excite you. Look at what brings visceral excitement to you. Write them down because these moments are trying to tell you something about yourself and what you need NOW.
4. Become an explorer. Take time to explore your possibilities by asking a few questions. What’s realistic? What would it take to engage with your ideas? What resources do you have or need? How do these exciting things you’ve pondered align with your values? How do they speak to who you are becoming?
I recommend you bookmark this video and walk through this process when you’re ready. As always, if you need help walking through your next steps, contact me and I’ll get you connected with a qualified coach to support you. I look forward to connecting with you! Salamat po!